CVHS students must complete 4 academic credits (4 classes) of English in order to meet graduation requirements.
English 9 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: None
English 9 is the first level of high school English that focuses on the fundamentals of reading and writing. We will read and analyze works ranging from poetry to Romeo and Juliet and many more. This class uses activities, projects, and many collaborative systems to create a learning environment that reaches all students.
English 10 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: English 9
English 10 is a World Literature course that focuses on reading and writing about works depicting the social, personal, religious, and political struggles and triumphs faced by people all over the world through history. We will read and analyze works ranging from short stories to Night to Animal Farm. This class uses activities, projects, and many collaborative systems to create a learning environment that reaches all students.
English 11 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: English 10
English 11 is an American Literature course that focuses on reading and analyzing the main American Literary works from the colonization of the United States until the Post WWII Era. We will read and analyze works ranging from poetry to The Crucible and many others. This class uses activities, projects, and many collaborative systems to create a learning environment that reaches all students.
English 12 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: English 11
This course is the final required English course for your High School diploma! English 12 is a British Literature course that focuses on reading and analyzing the main British Literary works from 500-1850. We will read and analyze works ranging from Canterbury Tales to Macbeth and many more. This class uses activities, projects, and many collaborative systems to create a learning environment that reaches all students.
CVHS students must complete 1 academic credit of CTE and 7 electives to meet Arizona graduation requirements.
Digital Communications I 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: None Grades 9-12
The course starts with a survey of computing tools and systems designed to develop foundational technology skills. Students use MS Office and cloud-based collaborative programs to develop presentations, business letters, informative posters, and blog posts. Students generate digital resumes/cover letters for their portfolio while having the opportunity to practice professional communication skills. They are introduced to netiquette and keyboarding speed skills. Students learn and model soft skills (professional norms) with emphasis on collaboration, innovative thinking, and problem-solving skills. Students gain a working understanding about Internet safety and digital foot printing. Copyright, plagiarism and public domain media are investigated.
Students study the art of storytelling from the past and present with emphasis on messaging and entertainment value. They begin to recognize storytelling constructs and genres. Students utilize technology-based research tools to locate and store media from multiple devices and platforms. Students are exposed to video mechanics and filming techniques as well as media impacts of image manipulation. Students are briefly introduced to frame-by-frame animation techniques used to communicate and entertain.
Students create themed movie shorts which include verbal and nonverbal communication using Windows Video Editor. Each movie short is designed to further their story telling technique and data mining capabilities. By the end of the course, students collect their artifacts into a final online portfolio. Students develop leadership, social, civic, and career skills through participation in the state-recognized Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) Skills USA.
Digital Communications II 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: Digital Comm I Grades 10-12
This course builds upon the technology literacy base established in Digital Communications I. Students further their knowledge in MS Office Word and are introduced to college level capstone assignments. Students are introduced to MS Excel/Cloud based spreadsheet navigation and principles. Students update their digital resumes and elevator pitches for their portfolio. They regularly practice netiquette, keyboarding, collaboration, innovative thinking, and problem-solving skills. Students further their ability to use technology tools and search engines to locate and collect information that is credible and copyright compliant. Students are introduced to new tools Movie Maker Pro, MS Publisher, and Photoshop.
In this course, we expand our studies of the media industry business practices and global impact. How does social media, ethics, and copyright truly play a role in our society? Students enhance their digital storytelling techniques and advance filming techniques to create multiple themed videos including nonverbal/stop motion messaging. Students review how to identify credible sources, images, sounds, and videos for their story. Greater emphasis on storytelling techniques using storyboards and introduction to re-visioning with peer reviews. Digital Arts career fields are investigated. Students are introduced to webpage design concepts, update their online portfolios and prepare for (CTSO) Skills USA local competitions.
Software & App Dev I 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: None Grades 10-12
A foundational understanding of computing systems to further develop computational thinking and problem-solving skills. Students survey programming languages and learn basic constructs of programming. The course employs fun, educational drag and drop coding apps designed to introduce vocabulary and constructs of programming. An intro to game design and development module exposes students to learn how to identify and fix errors, recognize patterns and are able to describe repeated sequences. Students practice pseudocode problem solving techniques with emphasis on computations and conditional structures.
Students learn web design and html coding to produce websites while exploring open source software applications and browsers. Students study Internet protocols, security issues, and legal uses of online content. Students study computer history, processing, hardware, software, and networking interactions of a system unit.
Students obtain and model soft skills (professional norms) with emphasis on collaboration, innovative thinking, and problem-solving skills. Technology related careers are highlighted with emphasis on the gaming industry. Students generate digital resumes and work samples for their portfolio while having the opportunity to practice professional communication skills. Students develop leadership, social, civic, and career skills through participation in the state-recognized Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) Skills USA.
Software & App Dev II 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: Software App I Grades 11-12
This course builds upon the computation skills obtained in year one with direct programming experience using Mindstorms, Micro-Python, and Visual Basic. Students reflect on each stage of the Software Development Life Cycle while internal and external modifications are imposed to improve performance and reliability of their original programs. Students employ modular constructs such as procedures, modules, and objects to make problem solving an easier task. In addition, students will learn how to build databases, work with big data, access online libraries, and custom design user interfaces to improve usability of their programs.
Students assemble multiple robot designs and program with drag and drop programming and Python. Robots perform real-life application challenges. Students learn about 3D CAD design and create a 3D printed artifact. Tradeoffs in the computer system, troubleshooting, de-bugging
Explore the purpose of communication protocols (TCP/IP, HTTP) and encryption. Apply the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) to create and modify computer programs made using Visual Studios 2019. 3D design and print.
Students develop leadership, social, civic, and career skills through participation in the state-recognized Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) Skills USA.
Work-Based Learning 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: Enrolled in CTE class Grades 11-12
Work Based Learning (WBL) is offered to CTE students upon completion of a CTE course. This class is guided by the CTE teacher and is designed to offer real-life experiences and advice for students to develop professional skills which ultimately enhance their employability. These experiences can occur either at a school or an industry site. WBL allows students to apply classroom learning in a hands-on experience at a worksite. 120 hours are required for credit.
Dual Enrollment is a great way for CVHS students to get a jump start on their future. College courses count as high school elective credits as well as credit at Phoenix Community College! Maricopa Scholarships available. CVHS Students who are interested in Career Pathways outside of the dual enrollment program, such as Medical or Hospitality, are encouraged to take concurrent / early college credits also while earning high school elective credits!
BPC110, Computer Usage and Apps 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: Digital ComII Grades 10-12
This is an early college class offered to students who are interested in Information Technology and/or Business career pathways. Introduction to business and personal computer operations and usage. Software applications for analyzing and solving business problems including word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation graphics. This course includes BPC111AA, Computer Keyboarding Mastery with emphasis on alphabetic and numeric keys. Upon successful completion of this class, students will earn 1 elective high school credit and 4 college credits.
CIS105, Survey of Computer Systems 3 Credits Prerequisite: Software AppsII Grades 11-12
This course is required for all AA/AS degrees and overviews of computer technology, concepts, terminology, and the role of computers in business and society. Discussion of social and ethical issues related to computers. Use of word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software. Includes uses of application software and the Internet for efficient and effective problem solving. Exploration of relevant emerging technologies. Upon successful completion of this class, students will earn 1 elective high school credit and 3 college credits.
CIS133, Web Design 3 Credits Prerequisite: CTE Y2 Grades 10-12
Overview of the Internet/World Wide Web (WWW) and its resources. Hands-on experience with various Internet/WWW resource discovery, information retrieval, and social media tools. Design and Development of multi-page websites using current Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) standards. Upon successful completion of this class, students will earn 1 elective high school credit and 3 college credits.
GBS151, Intro to Business 3 Credits Prerequisite: BPC101 Grades 10-12
Characteristics and activities of current local, national, and international business. An overview of economics, marketing, management and finance. Upon successful completion of this class, students will earn 1 elective high school credit and 3 college credits.
CVHS students must complete 7 elective credits to meet the graduation requirements.
American Law (AZ04-165) 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: None
This course will have a law-related education approach to provide practical information and problem-solving opportunities that develop in students the knowledge and skills necessary for understanding how to function in a law-oriented society. It will make use of a variety of instructional methods such as independent study, role playing, small group exercises, visual analysis activities and mock trials. Community resources such as lawyers, judges, and police officers will be involved as guests in class. The course will provide information and competency building activities designed to provide students with the ability to analyze, evaluate and learn to resolve disputes.
Business Language 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: English Teacher Grades 9-12
Business Language is an elective credit class that focuses on developing high school language and writing communication skills using selected software programs. Students develop their communication skills through a series of language skill builders. Key writing skills are introduced, practiced, and mastered! This course focuses on strengthening grammar, complex sentences and paragraphs, increasing proficiency in typing skills, all while relating to real-world experiences. Students will enhance their communication skills to become more competitive and effective in the workforce.
Standards: Language Conventions and Communication Competence in the Workplace
Music Theory 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: None Grades 9-12
Music Theory is designed to enhance music skills and basic music fundamentals. The essential aspects of melody, harmony, rhythm, and form are studied. Throughout the course of the year students will study basic notation, scales, key signatures, intervals, triads, cadences, non-chord tones, form, part-writing and analysis of a score. Aural dictation and ear training are also an integral part of the course and will be taught throughout the year. Individual creativity is nurtured through both rhythmic and melodic composition.
Career Exploration 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: None Grade 9
Career Exploration class is an ongoing process including awareness, exploration, preparation, and application, culminating in life-long career management. This class will give you what’s needed to succeed in life: goal setting, technical, academic, and employability skills. This program is aimed to help students prepare for their future beyond high school; college and/or the workforce. Students gain knowledge and training necessary to succeed in future careers and to become lifelong learners.
Teacher Assistant – T.A. 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: Approved by Teacher Grades 10-12
CVHS Office Aide course is tailored to provide students with the opportunity to work in campus offices, developing skills related to clerical office work. Duties may include typing, filing, record-keeping, receiving visitors, answering the telephone, and making copies, among others. Aide courses offer students the opportunity to assist instructors in preparing, organizing, or delivering course curricula or to assist other staff members in fulfilling their duties. Students may provide tutorial or instructional assistance to other students. These courses emphasize appropriate work attitudes, human relations, and proper office procedures.
Work Experience 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: Must be employed Grades 10-12
At City View High School, students have the opportunity to receive credit toward graduation if they have a job! Every 180 hours worked will count as an elective credit. Students must complete the required paperwork (located in the front office) and provide original pay stubs to verify hours worked. A maximum of two (2) Elective credits may be earned through work experience. In order to receive a credit for the semester, the student must be enrolled as a full time student (4 classes) at City View High School, complete 180 work hours during a semester after enrolling at City View High School, and pass all classes.
CVHS students must complete 4 academic credits (4 classes) of Mathematics in order to meet the graduation requirements.
Algebra 1 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: None
This course includes the study of rational number properties, variables, solving, graphing, and writing linear equations and inequalities. Students will also learn to model real-world applications, including statistics and probability investigations. This course will provide a solid foundation for further study in mathematics by helping students develop computational, procedural, and problem-solving skills. To be good at mathematics, students must learn to translate real-life situations to mathematical models and obtain solutions; and Algebra 1 will help students develop this skill.
Algebra 2 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: Algebra 1 and Geometry
This course will further students’ study of algebraic concepts including extending real numbers to complex numbers, Solve and interpret solutions to a variety of equations, demonstrate competency graphing and interpreting functions, and extend simple and compound calculations to conditional probability. Students will progress with an understanding of algebraic and trigonometric structure for senior level math course work.
Geometry 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: Algebra 1
This course includes communicating with vocabulary and notation of Geometry, deductive reasoning, analysis of graphs and charts, problem solving and applications of Geometric Theorems, drawings and models to real world problems. The student will make connections between Geometry, Algebra, discrete mathematics, statistics, measurement and number theory.
Pre Algebra 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: None
This class will review the basic operations of arithmetic on whole numbers, fractions and decimals. These operations will be used in dealing with ratio, proportions, percent, simple geometry and algebra. As students master these basic concepts, they will move into basic algebra. Students will be expected to understand basic operations with integers, rational numbers, irrational, and real numbers; the use of variables; properties of numbers and of equality; solving equations and inequalities; problem solving; relations and functions; and polynomials.
CVHS students must complete 3 academic credits (3 classes) of Science in order to meet the graduation requirements.
Biology 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: None
This class will investigate the history of life on earth. Specifically, this class will focus on the origin of life on earth, the evolution of life forms and how these systems and life forms are interrelated. Biology will also cover basic ecology – how organisms interact with one another. The Biology curriculum is aligned with the Arizona State Standards and this course is approved as a laboratory course for university admission.
Earth and Space Science 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: None
This class will be investigating the history of the earth and its place in the solar system. This includes how the earth was formed, hazards from geological disasters, and planetary exploration. Students will also investigate weather and other components of the earth using critical thinking skills, the scientific method, and direct experimental investigations. This class will help set the stage for the student’s future success in science at City View High School and their college career.
Chemistry 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: Biology
The program covers structure and properties of matter, chemical bonding and reactions, matter, energy, and equilibrium, and organic and nuclear chemistry, as well as cross-curricular earth science topics. Through inquiry-based and hands-on investigations of real-world phenomenon, students will construct explanations for scientific phenomenon and design solutions for real-world problems.
CVHS students must complete 3 academic credits of Social Studies to include one credit of American history, including: Arizona history; one credit of world history/geography; one-half credit of American government, including Arizona government; and one-half credit of economics to meet the graduation requirements.
World History and Geography (AZ04-052) 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: None
This course covers world history and geography from the middle ages to the present day. Students are required to read literary works and other primary source materials that relate to the course. Strong writing and research skills are necessary to be successful in this class. Critical thinking and problem solving will be encouraged, along with individual and group multi-skill projects in this challenging course.
United States History (AZ04-101) 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: None
The course presents a general survey of the history of the United States from the colonial era to the present. An emphasis of the course will be the emergence of representative democracy, the evolving patterns of race relations and their effect on the nation, American territorial expansion, growth of American popular culture, immigration, industrialization, urbanization, and the emergence of the US as a superpower in the postwar world. Students will utilize a variety of primary and secondary sources and will reinforce their writing, research, and critical thinking skills through independent research, writing, and discussion.
United States Government (AZ04-149) 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: None
This is a one-semester course that focuses on the fundamental concepts and practices of the American and Arizona systems of government. Course content will include an examination of the political process, political ideologies, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the branches of government, as well as the rights and responsibilities of individuals in our government system. Students will also explore current issues at the local, state, national, and global levels, and apply the concepts through projects, activities, simulations, and research.
Economics (AZ04-201) 1.0 Credit Prerequisite: None
This is a one-semester course that focuses on a greater understanding of economics ranging from the viewpoint of the consumer/small business (Microeconomics) to the national economy (macroeconomics). The course will study the law of supply and demand, forms of business, labor unions, government finances, and influence on the economy, as well as personal finance topic. The course also relates history, government, and politics to the study of economics.